Montana Public Employee Retirement Administration

The Public Employees’ Retirement Board (PERB) meets on the second Thursday of every other month beginning at 8:30 a.m. Committees of the PERB meet on an as-needed basis. Meetings are located at the MPERA Board Room at 100 North Park, Suite 200, Helena, MT. 

Please Note: The Board, at its discretion, may set meetings that deviate from the normal meeting date/time/location.

Board of Trustees Meetings

Board Committees

Audit Committee: An oversight Committee that reviews internal and external audit reports to evaluate the effectiveness of risk management, internal control and governance. Jason Strouf, Chair; Maggie Peterson and Rich Hickel

Legislative Committee: Reviews and monitors all legislation impacting the retirement plans. During the session, the Legislative Committee has tentatively scheduled weekly meetings. The committee determines whether to support, oppose or remain neutral and makes recommendations to the full Board. Maggie Peterson, Chair; Entire Board to participate

Personnel Committee: Conducts the Executive Director’s annual performance appraisal and negotiates the contract for union personnel. Sonja Woods, Chair; Maggie Peterson and Dave Galt

Policy Committee: Reviews current Board policies and drafts new ones as needed. Rich Hickel, Chair; Terry Halpin, Jason Strouf and Doug Kary

Other Committees of Interest

Employee Investment Advisory Council (EIAC): Composed of 13 employee representatives of the PERS or the State of Montana deferred compensation. EIAC advises the Board on the administration of the PERS-DCRP and State Deferred Compensation Plan, including the review of investment options. Members are appointed for staggered three-year terms. The EIAC meets four times per year.

State Administration & Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA): A joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions to monitor the activities of the Department of Administration, the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, and attached entities. It examines policy issues that include public employee retirement systems and makes recommendations to the full legislature on topics within the Committee's purview. 

Legislative Meetings 2025