Death Of A Retiree
It’s never easy to lose a loved one, so if you are the person left in charge to take care of details we want to help you through this process as much as possible. If you are faced with being the contact person, here are some of the things we will be asking you to provide when you notify us:
Information we will be requiring:
- The point of contact’s name, address, and phone number
- If the point of contact is next of kin, personal representative or employer?
- Member’s date of death
- Is the member an inactive, active or retiree?
- A copy of the death certificate
Contact MPERA at 1-877-275-7372 to talk to a representative. We will guide you through this difficult time.
Benefit Options for Survivors
Each PERS retirement system has different payout and benefit provisions for survivors. For survivors of retirees in the following systems the option the retiree has selected will determine what payment, if any, will continue and to whom:
Please see “Pop-Up Provision” for more information.Statutory Benefits for Survivors
Some of the PERS retirement systems provide for spouses or dependent children according to state statute. These systems are:
For more information on these systems, please refer to the system web page.
"Pop-Up Provision"
For certain retirement systems, there is a “Pop-up Provision” available if you selected Option 2 or 3 and your beneficiary precedes you in death.
It is important to notify MPERA within 18 months in writing from the passing of the beneficiary, with a copy of the death certificate and your wish to “pop-up” to the higher Option 1 benefit, or have your benefit recalculated under the same option for a new person.