Employer Reporting Information Center (ERIC)
The Montana State Information Technology Services Division (SITSD) has changed the method by which users authenticate to the Employer Reporting Information Center (ERIC). Employers will now use Okta rather than ePass to log into ERIC. If your email address did not match our records when ePass was transferred to Okta, you may have to create a new Okta account.
Create an Okta Account
Once you have created your Okta account, your ERIC account will have to be updated. Your current employer can grant you access in the ERIC system with your new Okta user name. For questions, email us at doamperaemployercc@mt.gov.
Okta Dashboard for Existing Users
Click on the ERIC icon on the Okta dashboard to access ERIC.
Need assistance with ERIC?
Email doamperaemployercc@mt.gov or call the help desk at: 1-844-304-5452 (toll free) or
406-444-3994 (in Helena).