Join MPERA education specialists and Empower as we host a variety of retirement webinars covering topics from the newly hired to preparing for retirement. The descriptions of each webinar can be found below.
Our current webinar schedule.
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For questions regarding member education call 1-877-275-7372
Are you a new member of the Public Employee Retirement System? Did you know you have a choice of two retirement plans? Our education specialists will cover both the Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Retirement plans in detail. We will also discuss a third option available to Montana University System Employees; The Montana University System Retirement Plan. Register today and make an informed choice. It’s your future!
Audience: New PERS Members and eligible 457 participants
Are you a new member of the Public Employee Retirement System? Did you know you have a choice of two retirement plans? Our education specialists will cover both the Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Retirement plans in detail. We will also discuss a third option available to Montana University System Employees; The Montana University System Retirement Plan. Additionally, Empower Retirement will be joining us to review examples for our Defined Contribution retirement plan and provide details about the 457 supplemental retirement plan. Register today and make an informed choice. It’s your future!
If you are a PERS defined contribution member who is 5, 10 or 15 years away from retirement, this webinar is for you. Our team of training experts will guide you on path of the retirement process.
If you are a PERS defined benefit member who is 5, 10 or 15 years away from retirement, this webinar is for you. Our team of training experts will guide you on path of the retirement process.
Audience: All members of MPERA administered retirement plans except VFCA
Are you leaving employment and not retiring? Learn more about the options and the advantages of leaving your contributions on account with MPERA.
Are you a Montana Volunteer Firefighter Compensation Act member looking to learn more about your MPERA benefits? Join MPERA to learn your benefits and eligibility for benefits today.
Audience: FURS Members
Are you a Montana Firefighter Unified Retirement System member looking to learn more about your retirement benefits? Join MPERA to learn about preparing for retirement, retirement eligibility, the retirement process and more.
Audience: SRS Members
Are you a Montana Sheriff Retirement System member looking to learn more about your retirement benefits? Join MPERA to learn about preparing for retirement, retirement eligibility, the retirement process and more.
Audience: GWPORS Members
Are you a Montana Game Warden and Peace Officer Retirement System member looking to learn more about your retirement benefits? Join MPERA to learn about preparing for retirement, retirement eligibility, the retirement process and more.
Audience: HPORS Members
Are you a Montana Highway Patrol Officer Retirement System member looking to learn more about your retirement benefits? Join MPERA to learn about preparing for retirement, retirement eligibility, the retirement process and more.
Audience: MPORS Members
Are you a Montana Municipal Police Officer Retirement System member looking to learn more about your retirement benefits? Join MPERA to learn about preparing for retirement, retirement eligibility, the retirement process and more.
Know before you go...Whether you’re ready to retire or just taking your career down a new path, let’s review your options!
Discover how increasing your contributions (even by a small amount) may result in a big difference at retirement!
Who is this for? Anyone
Learn all about your 457(b) Deferred Comp Plan, why it matters and how the Plan may help you retire successfully.
What does Financial Wellness mean to you? The way you answer probably depends on many factors. Maybe your motivation is saving to buy your first home. Perhaps you're helping your children through college. Or maybe you're focusing on your own nearing retirement. Whatever your life stage, financial wellness is a must-do!
What is a diversified portfolio? What is risk vs. return? How conservative or aggressive is your portfolio? Should you be invested in cash, bonds, or equities? Join us to answer these questions and more when it comes to building a great investment strategy for retirement!
Hi Ladies! Did you know that women face unique challenges when it comes to retirement planning? Join us to explore various ways of overcoming these challenges as you prepare for retirement!
There is a lot that goes into assessing your retirement readiness. During this webinar, we’ll discuss the big picture, the details and additional considerations when it comes to being prepared for your upcoming retirement.
The WEP and GPO are two separate provisions that reduce regular Social Security benefits for workers and their eligible family members if the worker receives (or is entitled to) a pension based on earnings from employment not covered by Social Security. Learn more about the WEP and GPO in this class presented by MPERA and a social security expert.