Montana Public Employee Retirement Administration
Board Policy Number Board Policy Name Effective Date Last Reviewed
BOARD Gen 01 Public Information 08/11/2016 08/2016
BOARD Gen 02 Confidential Information 06/09/2016 06/2016
BOARD Proc 01 Board Governance Principles and Processes 08/13/2020 10/2023
BOARD Proc 02 Board Education 02/09/2017 02/2017
BOARD Proc 03 Board Communications 10/05/2023 10/2023
BOARD Admin 01 Funding and Benefit Policy 08/13/2020 08/2020
BOARD Admin 03 Interest Rates 01/13/2024 06/2024
BOARD Admin 04 Delinquent Payments and Interest Penalty 08/13/2020 08/2020
BOARD Admin 05 Treating Salary Deferrals Under a Cafeteria Plan as Compensation 12/09/2005 12/2005
BOARD Admin 06 General Education 05/11/2017 05/2017
BOARD Admin 07 Investment Education 05/11/2017 05/2017
BOARD Admin 09 Actuarial Valuation Assumptions and Methods 01/01/2022 06/2022
BOARD Admin 11 State of Montana Investment Policy Statement401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan 04/2024 04/2024
BOARD Admin 12 State of Montana Investment Policy Statement457 Deferred Compensation Plan 04/2024 04/2024
BOARD Admin 13 PERS 401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Administrative Fund 06/10/2021 06/2021
BOARD Admin 14 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Administrative Fund 06/10/2021 06/2021
BOARD Op 01 Volunteer Firefighters Medical Expenses 01/14/2010 01/2010
BOARD Op 02 Handling Repeatedly Abusive Phone Calls 01/14/2010 01/2010
BOARD Op 03 FLO- Charge for Excessive Use of Staff Time 06/09/2016 06/2016
BOARD Op 05 Operations Analysis for Discrimination 04/08/2010 04/2010
BOARD Op 06 Volunteer Firefighters Compensation Act Administration 04/14/2016 04/2016
BOARD Op 07 Correction of Benefit Payment Errors 04/08/2021 04/2021
BOARD Prsnl 01 Executive Director Recruitment and Selection 02/14/2013 02/2013
BOARD Prsnl 02 Performance Appraisals 04/12/2018 04/2018
BOARD Prsnl 03 Reduction in Work Force 01/14/2010 12/2009
BOARD Prsnl 04 Non-Union Pay Plan 09/12/2013 08/2016
BOARD Prsnl 05 Employee Ethics, Conduct, and Conflicts of Interest Policy 04/12/2018 04/2018




Gen - General

General Information

Proc - Procedures

Board's Internal Procedures

Admin - Administration

Board's Plan-Related Determinations

Op - Operations

Board's Instructions to Staff

Prsnl - Personnel

Board's Personnel Determinations

Effective Date

The listed effective date is the date the Board last approved the policy, not the date the policy was originally adopted.

Last Reviewed

The listed last reviewed date is the latest date the policy was reviewed, (regardless of whether or not changes were made).